About Me

Who am I? That is a question every person on the planet should wrestle with at one time or another.  Today is my day!

I am Wanda Hummel MacAvoy.  I grew up in a middle class family in the beautiful mountains of north central Pennsylvania.  My father was a part–time farmer (if such a thing exists) and a machinist, and my mother was a secretary. So, I grew up on a small farm where many lessons of life just happened as we lived.

Our home was a happy place–my life: normal; and when I later became a pastor’s wife, I realized what a rare treasure I had been given!  How many fathers would build a camper on the back of a utility truck so his family could go on vacation?  How many children receive a pony for Christmas or raise his or her own pig?  How many kids today get to sit in between Mom and Dad every Sunday at church?

Although Christ was in our home and we were faithful to church, by the age of seventeen, I knew something was desperately wrong with the way I was living my life.  I had a split personality: the good girl who most people knew me to be, and the bad girl who was involved in sinful secrets.  When a young man attending Bob Jones University sent me a letter containing a Gospel tract, I saw my need for a personal Savior for the first time.  I had always “known God” but that night alone in my room, I met Jesus face to face.  (If you want to know more about salvation, please read What Is Salvation.)

Early on in life I came to realize that I excelled in one subject: music.  That took me to Susquehanna University, where I double majored in church music and music education.  That is also where I spied a handsome young man in the tenor section, who would later ask me to marry him!   He is the love of my life, and I am so glad that we get to grow old together!

 Throughout our marriage, we have moved several times, but in each place, we built a home and a strong family unity.  After two children and seven years of wedded bliss, my husband, Tom was called into the ministry.  Since that time, we have been involved in four ministries and our family has grown to include our three children and their families (which now includes twelve grandchildren!)

Several years ago, the Lord not only shook our nest, but dropped it out of the tree; and after twenty-six years away from my home area, we are once again living in north central Pa.

My life is full as I serve the Lord. The desire to write has consumed my free time.  God continues to put ideas into my head for stories that not only entertain but encourage my readers to take a look at life and see if there’s not some changes that could be made to walk a better walk , talk a clearer talk , and live life with one all-consuming purpose: glorifying our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, [which is] your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what [is] that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 112:1-2 (NKJV)



    • Congratulations! You are my first, my one and only fan!!! 🙂 I love you dearest! Thank you for your patience! I know I’ve been consumed with this lately, but I think the worst is over!!


  1. We have been so privileged to know you and Tom for many years. I remember fondly all the good times we have had and all the times you both have helped us in the past when we needed help. I know our children also have been blessed by you. God bless you in your ministry there. Love you.


    • I think I wrote you a note by email, but my “dashboard” keeps telling me I need to respond to one more comment! Can you tell I’m new at this? So, is Barry going to make me a big cake with the 12 gems on it?!! 🙂


  2. Wanda, I found an old email 12/10/2013 where you contacted me through my blog .. I don’t know but I’m glad I didn’t trash it before I caught up with myself! I have followed you on Twitter and made a note to myself about your blog. Hope to remember to visit often 🙂 I remember reading your About before .. it’s memorable. ~Joyce


    • I don’t remember the email, but I see you write reviews. 🙂 I’m a novice, but would you be willing to review any of my books? PS I love your email address!!!


  3. Wanda,
    This is David Delbianco – Jane Evans’ husband (from the Shavertown Ed Johnson side of the family.) I read your first and loved it – but I had no idea you had written more! I found you on Goodreads, where my daughter Abigail Rae is starting to get reviews on her debut novel Rough Animals. Good to see there are many writers in the extended family. Give my hello and best to Tom and the gang.


    • Thanks so much for the encouraging remarks! When we were with Aunt Betty last fall she told us that Abigail not only writes but was getting published! How exciting! I got burned a bit with “Twelve Smooth Stones.” A publishing company affiliated with a well known and respected company did publish it as an ebook, taking 90% of the royalites but not doing much with it. Since then, I’ve self-published, which is a lonely road! But God is faithful! Thanks again for commenting and best wishes to you all!


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